From Passion to Profession: The Journey of a Tourism Marketing Expert

Table of Contents

Early Beginnings: A Passion for Travel

It’s all about the business

Discovering the Power Marketing

The Turning Point: Transformational Experiences

Establishing My Brand & Business

Practical Solutions for Real Challenges

Transformational Travel in Action

Empowering Tourism Businesses

A Vision in the Future

Sarah Colgate’s journey from an enthusiastic traveller to a renowned tourism marketing expert is a testament to her passion, dedication, and vision.

Her story is one of transformative experiences, both personal and professional, that shaped her career and the lives of countless tourism business owners she has assisted.

Early Beginnings: A Passion for Travel

I don't actually know when my love for travel began, but I do remember when I decided I wanted to be a part of the travel industry professionally. I was 17 and an exchange student in a tiny snow covered town in Nova Scotia, Canada. My mind was blown, coming from a summer of bushfires and heatwaves in Australia to a winter wonderland.

I remember thinking to myself, I have to figure out a way to do this forever! This is me. 

That year I visited every province and territory in Canada bar one, I also visited 3 US states. I wrote hundreds of journal pages about my adventures and my life was changed forever more. 

Since then I have been to 15 countries with many more on the bucket list.

It’s all about the business 

This wasn't so much a discovery as I had been raised surrounded by business. 

My grandfather, my mum and dad all had businesses.  I had even had my own businesses as a kid. So a big part of me knew business was meant for me. 

On returning to Australia I decided not to pursue political science at university but study business, marketing and tourism instead. 

Discovering the Power Marketing

After completing my studies in marketing, travel and business, I embarked on a journey to combine my passions: travel + business +marketing. 

I began my career working with various travel companies and hotels, gaining invaluable experience in different facets of the industry. I also learnt how to promote and sell travel experiences. I loved marketing and selling! 

I sold everything from Weddings to Golf Days, Holiday packages to airport transfers. This when I realised sales and marketing would forever be my superpower. 

The Turning Point: Transformational Experiences

A significant turning point in my career came when I recognised the evolving landscape of consumer expectations in the tourism industry. This was 2016, a tragedy occurred in a local theme park so we essentially stopped selling theme park tickets in the business I ran, instead we started selling real operator-led experiences. 

I realised during that time travellers were no longer satisfied with mere sightseeing or mass tourism style experiences.


Travellers wanted to feel something, they sought meaningful, purpose-driven experiences that would transform them. 

This insight inspired me to delve deeper into the concept of transformational travel, where the goal is to create experiences that challenge and change how travellers perceive themselves and the world.

Establishing My Brand & Business

With a clear vision and a wealth of experience, I founded Sarah Colgate - Business Growth & Marketing Expert, a consultancy dedicated to transforming businesses through targeted sales & marketing strategies. 

My approach emphasises creating unique selling propositions, defining brand attributes, and crafting marketing messages that resonate with the target audience. My knack for identifying and leveraging the unique strengths of each business set me apart from others in the field.

Naturally having been in tourism for the majority of my career, the majority of my customers come from the tourism industry which led to the creation of Tourism Growth Coach. 

Practical Solutions for Real Challenges

My work is characterised by the ability to provide practical, customised solutions to the common challenges faced by tourism operators. 

For instance, I help businesses build a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints, ensuring that what is promised in marketing communications is delivered during the actual guest experience. This consistency not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives positive reviews and repeat business.

Transformational Travel in Action

One of my notable projects involved working with a tour operator in Queensland to align their offerings with the principles of transformational travel. 

By integrating local storytelling and a conservation message into the tours, we were able to create deeper, more meaningful connections with guests. This approach not only enriched the guests’ experiences but also fostered a greater appreciation for the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

Empowering Tourism Businesses

My impact extends beyond my consultancy work. I actively participate in industry initiatives, collaborate with local businesses and councils, and contribute to broader regional and state-level tourism strategies. 

My efforts have been instrumental in helping tourism operators understand and meet the changing needs of travellers, ultimately driving business performance and sustainability.

A Vision in the Future

Looking ahead, I am committed to continuing my mission of empowering tourism business owners to thrive in the industry, growing their businesses while offering exceptional experiences. 

My focus remains on innovation, sustainability, and the creation of transformational experiences that leave a lasting positive impact on travellers and communities alike.

My journey from a passionate traveller to a leading tourism marketing expert is an inspiring example of how dedication, vision, and a deep understanding of the industry can lead to profound professional success and significant contributions to the tourism sector.

Know more about me here.


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